The Foster-Wiley Family consists of Administrative and Hosting Committes.
The Administrative or Exceutive Committee (EXCOM) is elected by the Family membership consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and the Family Historian.
The Hosting Committee consist of family members who volunteer to host the family reunions. Other committees are the Scholarship, Census Technology and Genealogy committees. The committees are regulated by By-Laws, A Reunion Planning Manual for the Administrative Committee and Co-Chairs. A Foster-Wiley Primer is available for the planning of each reunion.
Executive Committee (EXCOM) and 2019 Host Families
We are the elected Foster-Wiley Family Reunion Leadership Team. We pledge to serve the family. Don’t ever hesitate to communicate with any of us as anytime. Our commitment is to provide quality leadership in planning family reunions.